Saturday, April 3, 2010

University Experiences

For those of you who have just tuned in: I am currently a student in the second semester of the first year at the English section of Computer Science at Babeş-Bolyai University in Cluj Napoca.
I have found the second semester a lot more interesting than the first, we currently learn Object Oriented Programming (in C++) and programming under Unix (fork(),exec() that stuff), pretty basic stuff, but essential.
I had the illusion that I would have time for development in my free time this semester. Boy was I wrong. Although we learn basic stuff, there is always a lot of work to do. I have laboratory projects that have to be properly documented (some documentations reach 20 pages) every week. That basically keeps me pretty busy, but as an extra feature my timetable is pretty intense and keeps sleep deprivation at a constant level. But other than that, I like it and it keeps me interested, I only wish I had more time for my own ideas. I have detailed in my last post some ideas I would like to implement in qOrganizer, but it needs serious work. I recently turned 20 and I'm not the 10th grader who wrote that application in 2006 without having any real ideas about good coding practices and software design decisions anymore, so I guess waiting for some technologies to mature and make it into Qt doesn't hurt (I'm looking at you MySQL embedded).
Anyway, qOrganizer is usable in it's current form and I can always work on smaller projects just for the fun of it.

Qt is great, and it's not a secret that I'm a great fan of it, but sometimes it makes the most basic things like capturing right clicks in a QCalendarWidget unnecessarily difficult.
Read this to get and idea what I'm talking about.

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